CELTA Qualification Course

Cambridge CELTA Course
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Cambridge CELTA Course

An internship experience course where youcan make use of the English you have learned while taking an English course.

The Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) stands out as the most widely acknowledged qualification globally for individuals aspiring to teach English to non-native speakers. Accredited by the esteemed Cambridge University ESOL in the UK, this credential is a mark of excellence in English language instruction. Embark on a transformative journey at GLC, where you can enhance your professional skills as an English teacher through our intensive 4-week, 120-hour course. Our instructors, certified by Cambridge English, are native speakers with extensive international teaching experience, holding qualifications such as CELTA, DELTA, or a Master of Arts in English Teaching. GLC proudly stands as the sole institution in the Philippines offering official CELTA certification. Join us and become a part of the global community of proficient and qualified English language educators!

CELTA certification course

World-class English teacher with CELTA qualification
CELTA, an English teaching qualification accredited by the prestigious Cambridge University ESOL, stands as the highest authority in English education. Notably, IDEA ACADEMIA proudly serves as the sole training center for CELTA in the Philippines. This certification course attracts English teachers from ESL schools worldwide, across the entire Philippines, and within the local community. Held 4-5 times annually, the program provides a comprehensive and globally recognized training experience.

The only CELTA certification body in the Philippines
CELTA, an English teaching qualification accredited by the esteemed Cambridge University ESOL, stands as the pinnacle in English education. In the Philippines, IDEA ACADEMIA proudly stands as the exclusive training center for this distinguished certification. English educators from ESL schools globally, spanning the entirety of the Philippines, actively engage in this certification course, which is conducted with unwavering commitment 4-5 times annually. The program's significance and recognition by Cambridge University ESOL highlight its unparalleled stature in the field of English language teaching.

Course Requirements

Course start
Course period
Course conditions

Course Details

CELTA Qualification Course

This course provides a world-class English teaching qualification accredited by the University of Cambridge Educational Institution.
Six (6) classes focused on CELTA training
*Required by GLC
Self-study, Lesson plan creation, etc.
3-4 hours a day
<CELTA Content and Assessment >
Acquiring the general principles and techniques of foreign language learning and teaching is a prerequisite for certification. The program entails a rigorous four-week course, designed to provide comprehensive training in this field.
English Linguistics: English Linguistics encompasses the study of the English language's system, functionality, and phonology. It delves into the linguistic system, explores functions, semantics, and scrutinizes phonology.
Teaching and Learning Skills in the four skills of English:
listening, speaking, reading andwriting.
Class Management:
presentations, exercises, reviews, error analysis, corrections, class management, group and pair work, how to make lesson plans, etc.
Lesson Plans:
Plans to bring about positive effects in learning according to diverse learning motivations and learning styles, as well as learners' literacy. For example, how to combine teaching materials with specific learning tools into resources.
Professional Mindset :
Cultivate a professional mindset to build a career as an English teacher by being able to evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses.

<CELTA Evaluation Index >
Observations:Observations of real classes, demonstration lessons with CELTA classmates, and training in teaching methods form the core components of our learning journey. During the demonstration lessons, we will gain insights into class content and receive diverse feedback, all of which will be instrumental in refining our approach for subsequent demo lessons. This iterative process ensures continuous improvement and a more enriching educational experience.

Feedback:After completing the demo lesson, provide feedback to your CELTA classmate. Throughout the course, CELTA trainers introduce various teaching methods and share their impressions with the participants. Each student will have the chance to conduct a demo lesson, receiving valuable advice and feedback from both trainers and classmates. This process ensures a comprehensive learning experience, allowing for continuous improvement in teaching techniques.

Input Sessions:CELTA trainers provide guidance on various aspects of English teaching methodology. Examples include lesson planning, language acquisition, grammar teaching, pronunciation and vocabulary.The above will be learned as a research topic in class.

Written Assignments:Writing assignments are a mandatory component of the CELTA course. These assignments vary each time, yet consistently feature a writing lesson encapsulated within 750 to 1,000 characters. The structure comprises a comprehensive lesson plan alongside a written segment that encapsulates conclusions drawn from posed questions. Additionally, assignments entail the submission of observation and consideration summary reports pertaining to the demonstration lessons conducted by fellow students. Furthermore, a self-analysis of the demo lessons you have undertaken will be expected as part of the assignment submission.

Assisted lesson planning:Prior to each class, a one-on-one demo lesson will be held with a CELTA trainer.
*What's included in this course
  • Group class - 30 lessons of 50 minutes per week.
  • A Cambridge Accredited Certificate will be issued at the end of the course. (by mail within Japan)

Course Price List

CELTA Certification Course
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