The theme is "Jungle"! IDEA's Halloween party is cute♡

School Life

November 6, 2020

IDEA hosted a Halloween party on October 25, 2019, a bit earlier than usual!

This year's theme is "jungle.

Both teachers and students enthusiastically embraced the spirit of the jungle, donning vibrant animal costumes to create a lively and engaging atmosphere.

"Venturing overseas has its unique charm. I appreciate the unconventional vibe of cosplay; it's undeniably cute."

Instead of the regular rice, rice prepared for the occasion was consumed in a way known as a "boodle fight" on this day.

Everyone gathers around the rice, which is served on a banana leaf rather than a plate, and eats it with their hands!It is very dynamic, isn't it?

It is very dynamic, isn't it?

In fact, this is a military style of eating !

It is said to have originally started at the Philippine Military Academy, but nowadays you can see it at Filipino restaurants and it is commonplace at such events and parties.

Although some students were a little bewildered by their first experience, they seemed to enjoy the Filipino culture by participating with their school teachers and friends.

Cebu is not only an excellent destination to learn English, but also to explore the country's culture.

There were also performances and games!

Animals...right? It's bloody and horrifying.

Host Patrick was a rabbit down to his toes.

It is customary for language schools and stores in the Philippines to adorn their premises for various seasons, including Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day.

At IDEA Language School, the interior exudes a stylish ambiance seldom witnessed in other language institutions.

This distinct setting makes it an attractive venue for hosting events, providing a visually appealing backdrop for memorable photographs.

As we bid farewell, capture the moment with a group photo featuring the dedicated teachers alongside charming little dinosaur mascots.The experiences gained from studying abroad are undeniably memorable and enriching. Therefore, I wholeheartedly recommend considering the opportunity to study abroad around these occasions.

What will Halloween 2020 be like...?

We are waiting for you at IDEA!

I'm a 3rd-year GLC staff member who has experienced a 5-month study abroad program in Cebu and commutes between Cebu and the headquarters in Osaka. In the past, I have also worked as a staff member at a language school in Cebu, gaining experience in event planning and management. I will be sharing reports and useful information from both Japan and Cebu!
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